Degenerative Disc Disease

I just had a spinal fusion of me L3-S1, it has been about 3 months and I feel a whole lot better. She was a specialist in lamectomies.

I'm not telling you what to do, but shots,drugs never worked for me. Do what you think is best, but the techniques have improved greatly in the past 5 years for the surgery.

I'd much rather see someone get a fusion than a lamectomie. A fusion is much safer and more functional choice. Good choice and best of luck to you.

Glad it worked out for you. Sometime down the road I will be looking at fusion as well. Docs think it is a bit early for me yet...

This is some financialy inspired BS right there. Nearly 100% of those who get a lamectomy end up later in life getting the fusion. So why would one not skip to the end result. The anser you'll get is that the fusion will casue the discs above and below the fusion to be overstrained and degenerate. Umm...they are already doing that anyway. However with a lamectomy you lose bone support (they remove bone) and you leave your spinal chord exposed. (as in you can literally touch it with your finger as it is no longer covered with bone)

Biggest issue is the depression from the constant pain...and the less than pleasant suicidal thoughts that it all brings.


This can be a mojor issue. I've been there and empathize.