narrowing a b-body rear

Personally, I would stay away from the green bearings. Yes, they work. But the stock tapered bearings are a superior design, and adjusting them isn't nearly as hard as some people make it out to be.

Bad Sport had a good statement about green bearings also. The shop I talked to about narrowing the housing mentioned green bearings also and then something about adjusting the axles to make sure they are centered or something? I'm not sure if it was no adjusting/aligning with them? If that is the case, aligning/adjusting the axles, how tough is that to do right the first time? The guy said it may take up to three times to get it right? I think I need to do some looking so I can come\back with a better understanding of what's going on. I don't want to hear the BS from some of the more advanced members here about what they THINK I need to do before asking questions. I'm afraid I would not be very nice in my response to any comments I take to be smart *** and unhelpful. I will try to be cool and calm, but I can't promise. LOL. But I am VERY appreciative of what help I have gotten so far! Thanks to all of you!