Degenerative Disc Disease

Traction devices are excellent. There are some things you shoudl know. Moon boots, anti-gravitry boots etc are the best but will require some degree of fitness to use them. Or get creative with a chain fall (not kidding..) If you are not in as god of fitness or mobility you can go with an inversion table. These cost more though. When setup up correctly so long as you can raise and lower your arms you can use one. You need to be in one longer than the boots though. 3-5 min vs. 10-15 min.

Some other things... (coming from a guy who has DDD and 2 herniated discs for well over 10 years and avoided scheduled surgery)
GEt a good bed, aka no springs. TEmperpedic is the only word you need to know and learn how to properly sleep. I.e. on your back or side using a pillow system for proper support and alignment.
See a GOOD chiro. What make s agood chiro you ask? They shouldn't be willing to work on you without seeing an xray first. One that has a xray machine in their office is a good sign. They should have additional treatments in their office including traction, electro stim, ultrasounds etc, etc.
Massage therapy is very efective.

Try everything you can, raiki, healing touch, chiro (a must), accuopuncture. See what works for you.

Backs love movement so try to be as un-sedendtary as possible within your comfort level.

Take back supplements. MSM, glucosimine, etc. Take double whatever it says to take and take most of it in the late afternoon and evening.

GEt on a TRT regimin if you are older. It will help with strength.

Most of all DO NOT take narcotic pain relievers. They damage your back and body in a variety of profound ways. IF you MUST take a pain supplement take advil or alieve (ibuprophen or NSAID) and if you live in one of the 22 states thast it's legal get a prescription for medical marijuanna.

If I did not take narcotic pain meds I could not get out of bed in the morning. Simple as that. Some of the other things that you mentioned....some of us are on a fixed income...and simply can not afford them....lastly...the medical mj....what a foolish name for it is grown any different than recreational mj....I have tried mary jane for my pain...and got absolutely 0 pain relief. I am in WA state, where it is "legal" for recreational use....see my above statement about a fixed income.....

I have tried an inversion table.....0 relief......chiropractic......0 relief......glucosimine....0 relief...