Degenerative Disc Disease

If I did not take narcotic pain meds I could not get out of bed in the morning. Simple as that. Some of the other things that you mentioned....some of us are on a fixed income...and simply can not afford them....lastly...the medical mj....what a foolish name for it is grown any different than recreational mj....I have tried mary jane for my pain...and got absolutely 0 pain relief. I am in WA state, where it is "legal" for recreational use....see my above statement about a fixed income.....

I have tried an inversion table.....0 relief......chiropractic......0 relief......glucosimine....0 relief...

Same here. I don't like to have to rely on Vicodin but have no choice if I want to get anything done. I take just enough to keep the pain down to a low roar. I can't take Nsaids because they set my kidney's on fire and that hurts just as bad as the back pain. I was a drug addict when I was young and practically shot my life down the toilet so no way will I ever smoke pot again. I'll take my chances with Vicodin because I don't believe it's side effects are any worse than burning up brain cells. I also tried chiropractic (5 different chiropractors in fact), and glucosamine and had 0 relief... My wife has an inversion table that helps her but it aggravates my back more.