Degenerative Disc Disease

If I did not take narcotic pain meds I could not get out of bed in the morning. the medical mj....what a foolish name for it is grown any different than recreational mj....I have tried mary jane for my pain...and got absolutely 0 pain relief. I am in WA state, where it is "legal" for recreational use....see my above statement about a fixed income.....

I have tried an inversion table.....0 relief......chiropractic......0 relief......glucosimine....0 relief...

I suppose if you messed up bad enough that none of those things work, i'd look into the surgery as last ditch option.

I only wrote medical mj becaseu I wasn't sure what the rules of the board were. So I stated in in a legal way.

I'll take my chances with Vicodin because I don't believe it's side effects are any worse than burning up brain cells. I also tried chiropractic (5 different chiropractors in fact), and glucosamine and had 0 relief... My wife has an inversion table that helps her but it aggravates my back more.

Vicodin is far more harmful to the body than THC. It makes sense that you would avoid it given your past, however Vicotin is habit forming, addictive and is a narcotic.

Was the strain you smoked, bred for your type of pain ?

For sleep, I use purple urkle, for pain, another. That is why the new Canadian MMAR was flawed. Folks grow the strain that works for them best. With the new legislation, only a half a dozen strains would be offered... and many of us grow pure organically... and I juice so I was totally left out..

Here is one small article

I wasn't aware of strains for different purposes but it makes sense. I am aware of the 2 types of plants. One is indica and the other..oh I forget. But one is basily an upper type of effect, the other a down. One gives you that couch lock and sleep. The other you realize 4 hours later you just did all the launry, clwaned the house, rearaged the furniture and listened to a pink floyd albom several times over, lol.