Hemitronix vs Megasquirt $

I guess that's one possible bonus of the Delphi system from a certain standpoint. If it's basically just a GM system running a Chrysler product, it might be much more accessible to many tuners who want to mess with it. From another view though it could be a little dangerous. People familiar with GM tuning might be comfortable with the software, but not used to the tuning characteristics and variable ranges of the Hemi. Timing immediately jumps to mind. I don't know what LS engines like running for max power timing, but if someone looks at a stock table and see 20 odd degrees they might think, "that's way low, my other engines run 30+ for max power" and kick up the timing and make bad stuff happen.

I think Uhcoog hit it on the spot. The end user is really probably the determining factor. If it's for you personally, pick whatever you're comfortable with. You can download TunerStudio free (for MS tuning) to get an idea of how it works. I'm not sure how the Hemitronix system is tuned, but you might be able to get a copy of the software to see how it works. If you're selling it to someone else you might present the options to them and ask what their preference is. Theoretically you'd want to sell a finished product that's tuned and ready to go so they wouldn't have to mess with it, but if they change something down the road and need to alter the tuning, it could cause problems.