Degenerative Disc Disease

I have read quite a bit on both and can't agree that Vicodin is more harmful than marijuana. Marijuana burns up your brain cells. What does Vicodin do that is more harmful than that? I agree Vicodin is habit forming and addictive but smoking pot is also habit forming and addictive and far more mind altering.

As far as the body is concerned, Vicodin is very liver toxic. Number one issue. THC is not.

As far as it's effect on the mind. Long term effects of Vicodin can include damage to the pleasure center. This can lead feelings of depression, anxiety, paranoia, psychosis, and mood swings. People may feel irritable or anxious, and in severe cases they may begin to experience delusions or hallucinations.THC does not "burn brain cells. Some of the most brilliant people in our society past and present use THC in some form. We've alreadyb listened to people in this thread talk of suicidal thoughts. THC is used to reduce depression in terminal patients.

Dependancy vs. habit forming: THC can certainly be habit forming as can Vicodin. Vicodin has physical dpendancy and withdrawl symptoms, THC does not. Withdrawal symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, joint and muscle pain, irritability, anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, and difficulty concentrating. People also become resistant to Vicodin, requiring higher doses for the same effect. SOme people build tolerance to THC. I've never noticed this myself. You yourself said you can take 2-5 V's with no mind altering effects. I coudln't come close to that.

On a side note I have never liked THC and driving. I would not drive while under it's effects unless I absolutely had to.