Degenerative Disc Disease

It is highly liver toxic. Medically it's classified as being moderate in it's toxicity. Have you ever looks at liver enzyme values froma patient that has used tylenol for a couple weeks for pain or for fever say at 1,000mg QED? I have, they are most often elevated. Chronic users exhibit similer results to an alcoholic. The biggest threat to Vicodin is not the narcotic/opiat as most would think. It's actually the Aceptometiphen it contains. It is one of the top 10 most dangerous over the counter drugs sold.

Listen, if you need it to get by, use it, but don't be fooled into thinking it is safe like taking a multivitamin or something. It isn't. I guess i've seen the darkside of this drug and ones like it too many times.

We're saying the exact same thing. If you use them as they're intended to be used, and don't abuse them, they aren't as harmful as they're made out to be. They're not good for you by any means.

My doctor has me get blood work done a few times per year, and the primary reason is LFT's.

You obviously know something about the medical field, so I'm sure you're aware that they have recently cut the level of acetaminophen down drastically in the dosages that they're made in. I'm not surprised even a little bit about that move.