Why I've been snappy lately...

While it's really none of anybody's business, I sorta figure I owe yall as to why I've been kinda more snappy than usual. So here it is. Kitty lost her main job about a month ago. That was our main income. Now, we are officially in foreclosure. While our mortgage company is working with us, I honestly don't see a way out. I have been posting Kitty's resume everywhere and she has had some good strong interviews, but interviews don't pay the bills. I know there are some of you who will think this is a "woe is me" post. It is not. I am not asking for help and will refuse it. This community has been gracious enough. It is time to let whatever is going to happen happen. I just felt that since I have obligations to a few members regarding carburetor work, that I would make a public post to reassure those members that they will be repaid and or their carburetor work will be completed, but it may be a little while.....up to about 90 days. I have already contacted each of them through PM. My blaster has torn up yet again, and I do not have the extra money to repair it right now, so my carburetor work is halted for now. On top of everything else, we got a letter from the IRS today saying because of a mistake I made in our 2012 taxes, we owe them over a thousand dollars. We just cannot catch a break on anything I guess. At any rate, that's what's happenin with us. I hope yall are doin better.