Why I've been snappy lately...

The IRS can wait so don't sweat that one too much. As far as carb work goes, what does your blaster cab need to get it in working order so you can fulfill your current jobs and maybe even generate a little income? I would be happy to offer a little help in that department if it gets you back to being able to do some work for continued income. Your wife could get that "call" tomorrow, you never know. I hate to see anyone hit a wall and give up.

I am going through a divorce right now and had to even put a restraining order on my bride so I have my fair share of bad **** going on as well as catching up on some back taxes I owe from when the economy tanked and my business fell off to almost nothing. If I can do a little to help out someone else in a tough time I would be glad to do what I can, though it may not be much.
I have gained a ton of good info from this site that I have used on my car and some has come from reading some of your posts, attitude an' all.
I don't post a lot but I read a ton.

Either way, best wishes for things to turn around.
