10 sec 340/360 stock stroke combo's please

Didn't see streetability mentioned in any of his posts?

SO? Then we should just throw any big crammed 15-1 combo at him?

And what is the point of a forum if all that is going to happen is re-posting of old threads (which by the way, there are hardly ANY stock stroke combos in that thread...I know because I have looked).

Glad ya looked. Do you have a 10'sec. Combo you'd like to share or are you just gonna post complaints? If you post a combo, it adds to the forum making it better, if you link a thread to another forum, IMO, that is Ok but doesn't help the forum greatly, if you just complain and poke at the issue, you have done nothing or worse. Made the forum a weaker forum and down graded it.

I'd rather post a old combo from the DC manual than post what you did. I at least pointed the poster to a thread that may help here at this forum.

To the OP, check out this topic on moparts, there are a few threads on it there...hopefully some others chime in here...Getting it done with stock inches is badass!

Good advice in looking around. Could you post a link to one?