windshield seal help dont want chrome trim what should i do?

Tremlig. Any idea who make the filler strips you used? Also a product number if you have it

No I don't have any product numbers. All I know is that every time that the windshield guy came to my house he had 3-4 large rolls of this rubber trim. This modern stuff not normally used on vintage cars. I would think that all windshield guys carry this same rubber trim because windshields are the same all over the US. Also you can buy the stuff at any windshield installation shop. They have it there in rolls also and they sell it to the public by the foot (it's cheap). But you will either have to buy the activator and the urethane OR pay the windshield guy to do it for you. They only charged me $30 per glass. DON'T use silicone!!! Silicone is very corrosive to metal and will eat you car alive!!
