10 sec 340/360 stock stroke combo's please

SO? Then we should just throw any big crammed 15-1 combo at him?

Glad ya looked. Do you have a 10'sec. Combo you'd like to share or are you just gonna post complaints? If you post a combo, it adds to the forum making it better, if you link a thread to another forum, IMO, that is Ok but doesn't help the forum greatly, if you just complain and poke at the issue, you have done nothing or worse. Made the forum a weaker forum and down graded it.

I'd rather post a old combo from the DC manual than post what you did. I at least pointed the poster to a thread that may help here at this forum.

Good advice in looking around. Could you post a link to one?

What is wrong with 15:1 compression? or power adders? or big cams? or whatever! He didn't specify, so why is it assumed pump gas or street car??????? Just wondering....

Yea, your post was really helpful...just like all the other posts you make telling people to "search first"...I didn't bother linking any other threads because in my opinion what grows a forum is people posting new stuff, as in another thread that might have people's combos that they have never posted before for whatever reason. There is always a new combo getting it done, so why revert back to the same thread over and over all the time? I looked through that thread a LONG time ago and remember vividly there hardly being any stock stroke combos- so I posted a NEW THREAD (Uh oh, guess I should have searched first lol) on a different forum (where I wouldn't have people say as so often as over "search first") and I got a lot of responses that I never had seen when I searched old threads....thus my point.

I'd rather post what I did originally then post what you did...even if I don't have a combo to post, I atleast bumped it to the top by replying....hows that :cheers: