cam degreeing needed?

No, your opinion is wrong. Most of this stuff is based on peoples actual factual experiences. How am I being a child because I think you are acting like a turd? You seem to think everybody else is stupid, and in effect that is what you are doing..........calling the rest of us stupid.

In case I forget later, I'm about done with you
Oh, I see, "turd" is the limit of your vocabulary. My apologies..
My "opinion" is totally rational for "his" situation. I'm saying he can put it in and go..cruising.
Now if he came on here and said he had a class limited racing engine, then he would have got a different response from me. I know it may be hard for you to comprehend that the same problem may have two different solutions based on the customers needs and financial situations.
Now you can take your bat and ball and go home.