LOVE it when rich / drunk / stupid/ works out OK

I'm in awe over the fact they just "leave" the damn thing in the POOL. thats gonna polute and need a SERIOUS cleaning with the fluids in both those Bikes!

I hope that owner of the pool has a good cleaning company as its gonna need it with all the oil, and gasoline in that water now!

I agree, fun is fun, but that is destruction of property, bikes or not the pool itself can need a new pump and filter set up after thats all said and done with UNLESS one (and only one of them at that party) was smart enough to shut it off and leave it it and closed the opening for that to circulate into the pool filtration system!!!

So, say $4,000 in bikes ruined and add another $5,000 for a pool filtration as most the time its all made of Chinese Steel (plastic) and we know what happens to plastic with solvents circulated into it does..... PLUS it looked "under ground" which means the piping HOPEFULLY won't be effected, if so, that have to be replaced too!