Gummi Bear Candy Review

OMFG -----^

ROTF....I'm Diabetic and all I EVER got was that f*ckin' sugar free "**** bomb" powered candy..........

I learned my lesson.......? Ya juss don't buy it at all.... PERIOD!

They say.....................and I quote

"3 pieces per serving"

BULLSHIT 6 piece, ask my *** if its 6 pieces per serving. on ANY of it.....The LAST time and I mean thee very last time, I ate ANY "Sugar Free" candy, I ate I think one piece out of a 4 pieces per serving diet listing on the package......

Sat on the toilet for 4 f*ckin' days till that was over with, NEVER again!

One things for certain.............

<----this diabetic, learned his damned lesson! CHEAT, eat the real deal! Take a shot to cover the sugar content......Less harmful, (Insulin, dependent my whole life), been there done that and have been told its not good if your still learning, BUt after 34 years out of a possible 35.....And was watched in the hospital when I had my surgery, was told, was pretty good at the whole "cheating" with insulin thing when I wanted a cup of ice cream!