Beware: Plum Floored Creations....

Boy, this just keeps gett'n better 'n better.:wack:
It's just too bad to hear this. Ben seemed like a decent guy in my encounters with him. And he has some good concepts and ideas. But this kind of malevolence in business is not excusable in the slightest.

If I see one of those fish symbols on a yellow pages ad (yeah, there are still some of us that use it) I just pass on. Too many times people I've known have had their worst screwings at the hands of those purporting to be and emphasizing they are "christians". The big red flag always seems to be when they go out of their way to emphasize the "christian" part. That puts my beware-o-meter in the red arc.

Karl M.

Interesting angle!

We have Chrysler parts dealer down under who professes to be holier than the next man - yet also admits quite happily that he won't run a stall at our biggest show, for fear of the number of people who'll seek compensation in the form of a leg or arm.

These people are weird... its like they know deep down they are turds...but expect someone else to save them from themselves....