68 Dart weather strip and trim questions

I'm starting a weather stripping parts list for my 68 Dart convertible and would like assistance on what brand to use. Also, what the correct wording is for these pieces and if I'm missing anything. (The descriptions on some sites are very confusing.)

1. Who makes the best window fuzzies. (4-piece kit)

2. a...Six pieces of weather stripping that attach to the top mechanism above the side windows.(seals side windows to top mechanism)

b...There are two pieces of weather stripping at the A-pillars that seal the vent windows to the A-pillar.

c...There is weather stripping at the front of the quarter windows.(is this convertible specific?)

d...There is a large piece of weather stripping attached to the front of the convert top that seals to the top of the A-pillar.


f...door(mine are in really good shape...thinking of reusing if someone sells the retaining clips)

g...hood to cowl(reuse)

h...hood to rad support(reuse)

What am I missing? What brand is the closest to original and that isn't too thick. Is all of this reproduced or do I need to reuse some of the convert pieces? Thanks