Old Skool FABO Members.....

Girlie, you know I love you......but you GOTTA lose that horrid upper radiator hose and get a molded one. Those accordion things are for chevys.

It sounds mega gnarly. I love it.

:-D It's like Old Home Week around here!! Nice to see most of the familiar faces / fonts and to know they're still around.

As a 2005 recruit and FABO Member #641, I'm definitely Old Skool. It's been a rather crappy year and a half for the most part with way too much personal BS drama to bother mentioning but I still try to check in and post when I can.

I'm still bustin' my backside doing what I do turning old car parts into artwork and trying mostly in vain to catch up (now with 23 jobs in line despite the lateness of the car show season). I did get to spend some time working on MY OWN CAR -- can ya believe it??? first time in a few years! -- and it's sporting a different and much more streetable custom intake this week.


I'll be checking in on the family reunion ... it's great to see ya all. :-D