trans question

Thanks, what should I expect to pay someone to re-build the trans if they are not really all that complicated assuming I remove it and take it to them?

I guess I also have this option that someone pointed out to me on the slant forum.

Any reason you guys would stay clear of this in the box deal?

Since its behind a slant six are the internals different or all 727 the same? Do I need to narrow down the year of the trans and how would I do that if needed?

The area your in has a lot to do with rebuild prices. Rural area's tend to be quite a bit cheaper than big cities. When I was doing them (just stopped 2 yrs. ago due to a back condition) I charged $500-600 for a total rebuild depending on rebuild parts prices that week and whether or not it needed any hard parts. Parts prices have went up a little since I did them so figure an extra $25-35 for that. I've seen guys do it cheaper but they didn't always replace all the bushings and thrust washers and pump gears and some didn't even replace the clutch steel plates. I didn't do it unless I replaced everything and verified clearances. I've seen some places quote as high as $2000 for the same job. Admittedly I never had the overhead that a business does since I did them out of my garage so it's reasonable to expect to pay a business a little more but if they quote you anything over $800-850 I'd walk.

Makco (also called Bulkpart) is where I buy most of my parts and their "Rebuild in a "box" special is a good deal for building a high performance trans. but you don't really need upgraded clutch plates and bands. With the kit price being less than normal I'm not sure you could buy standard replacement parts any cheaper though. For that reason the kit looks decent. I also like to replace the pump gears if there's much wear at all on them and IMO you need a couple "selective" thrust washers to set the total end play with. The washers are dirt cheap at about $2.50 each. The pump gears are also cheap at about $22