Anyone use Lexan?

I'm pretty sure you can't run anything darker than factory tint on any windows at the races. At least if the track enforces the rules.

As discussed, scratching is a problem with lexan, or whatever brand. But there are plastic polishes that help reduce them and add protection. I use to have an aerosol can, but forgot the brand. If you write on them with shoe polish, I found isoprophyl rubbing alcohol literally melts the stuff off with minimal rubbing. Thick areas may take a few tries. But the easy wipe stuff made for dial-ins would likely work best, but more expensive.

Doesn't Cuda door glass have a slight curve, like a Challenger? Not sure about a-bodies. Bracing may be necessary for the curve as will as keeping them from pulling sway at speed. I had 1/4" on my side windows when I had a Challenger. It may be too much of an inconvenience on a street only car from a practical, maintenance and security standpoint. Can't roll 'em down on hot days and they will likely scratch.!