Carlisle Vendors Selling 69 Coronet Hood

Ok, with a week to go I'm going to try this one more time.

I'm looking for a vendor who is going to Carlisle with a good 69 Coronet flat hood.
I don't want anyone to bring one especially for me. I don't want to pay a deposit or prepay, I'm not interested in having one shipped and I don't expect anybody to hold theirs for me.

I'll be there on Wednesday-Saturday shopping for a hood for a "friend of a friend". If you are bringing one, I might find it anyway, but it would be easier if I had your space number, an idea of the condition and what you are looking to get for it. I still plan to shop for the best one at the show, so I'm not promising to take yours. I would like to see it however.

Since my last post caused some ruffled feathers and eventually turned into such a Trollapalooza that the thread had to be pulled, I must insist that all responses be through PM only please.

I really appreciate all help of a serious nature, but replys here! Only PMs please.

Thanks in advance!

Greg Purcell