How to fix your Cal Trac's

My buddy won S/Pro this weekend in a B body with Cal Trac, at our track. They got them to work by putting 200 lbs in the trunk, and leaving like I did at 3600 (Tbrake in').60's were consistent, car ran mid 11's at out altitude adjusted track.
Here is a pic of a national event winning Duster SB in Bremerton this weekend.It was on the cover of National Dragster a month or so ago.

By the way, my ol' Valiant on Cal Trac's went 9 rounds at Virgina Motorsports park this weekend, broke out by 2 thou. They split the money 3 ways before the semi's between 3 cars. $700.00 bucks ea.

So see, I am not narrow minded.Just not for me! I guess I am lazy...LOL