Coming out... I like Mustangs

You are understandably happy. Nothing beats buying from the original owner. (Hyperbole).
And in these things sentiment is priceless. In many cases more money is spent for that than for the tangible value.
Some people buy for money, some for love. Some for both.
Personally, this adult likes Mustangs just fine. But have no desire for one. They feel "cheep" after driving a Dart. They are like belly buttons. Some shows don’t even allow them.
This adult doesn’t treat this forum like a clikie club working under the illusion that people care what I think.
I try not to put my business on the street.
For example, this adult has several B bodies, but I don’t talk about them here. I think that would be poor etiquette on my part.
(Opps, I think I just did).
The thing is, some people only have one car to cherish. And to that person, his little Valiant is just as important as the rich mans Hemi collection is to him.
That “little lamb”?
Sort of like Nathan’s story to David. (2 Samuel 12)

Like 67Dart273 said, this is an A body forum. It is what it is.
It’s not Phord forum.
And this adult isn’t going to buy the new Hellcat either. So it really doesn’t matter