1/4 mile car front end alignment

This is my logic, and i know NOTHING! About it so please correct my errors. this is Steve weight.

L 761.......R 804

L 822.......R 668

OK, I would thing that you would want more weight on the L front then right?? Eng trying to pull the L front off the ground and (with equal and opposite motion applying ) is trying to plant the R front tire.

On the rear..... i can play with two theories.
#1 the eng pulls up the L front fender so it is compressing the R rear quarter panel so there should be more pressure (spring pressure) to hold it????

#2 The eng is pulling on the front body/tire BUT, the Drive Shaft is planting the L rear tire.........Hmmmm which would still require more weight/spring pressure on R rear wheel...... right?? :dontknow:

Help me wrap my mind around this, as i may be going down this road as well.