I'm depressed

Went thru 2 depressions. First one at age 28. Had 3 little ones to feed, took a job working 3 to 11 an hour and a half from home with Tues and Weds off. Saw very little of my kids, was locked in a cage selling tickets and handling baggage for 1 Amtrak train. After 6 months I was ready to let go of the wheel and go over the edge on the road home from Johnstown, PA. If I was not a person of faith, I would have. I was also sure God was upset with me for not using my talents to work in the field I had gone to school for. I ended up taking a job 10 minutes from home for 1/2 the money but was a happy camper. The second time was 2004. My printing business lost a major account thanks to Wal-Mart opening super centers with grocery stores. All the mom-n-pop stores started folding up, I had a contract with a local grocery wholesaler doing grocery tabs for these independent markets. I got so down I didn't come out of the house for 7 months. I dwelled on the past and couldn't see any future. I had thoughts of checking out, but therapy and God telling me he had more for me to do brought me around. I have seen all of my children get married, have been on 6 mission trips with my church and the business has survived. Keep the faith and God will see you through. Find a goal and focus on it, you can't go back and change what has happened but you can have a major hand in what will happen.