Edelbrock LD4B ?s

I have an Edelbroack LD4B intake manifold I got off of E-Bay that I have a few questions about (please see photo).

#1 What is the hole in the rear of the manifold (between the Chrysler part number and the edelbrock "E") used for? Do I need it? If not, what should I "plug" it with? Would teflon tape on a pipe plug be enough? Will a pipe plug restrict fuel flow? Should I worry about the flow?

Agreed on the added hole
On the intake. Someone put it there as a vacuum hole. You do not need it. You can use the rear of the Edelbrock carb for that. Most likely vacuum port for the brake booster.
Just get the correct size plug and wrap Teflon tape around the threads twice and screw it in. The pipe plug should be short and not cause any flow issues even if it sticks into the runner.
Don't worry about this.