Faulty battery, bad alternator, or both (photos)

I think I addressed this earlier. "Come up with" a HEAVY 12V light bulb, "large" as you can rig up. One way is a headlight, (or a driving light lying around) another is a stop / tail with both filaments wired together.

Hook up everything except the battery ground cable. Ground one end of your "rigged" light to the block, and hook the other terminal to the battery NEG terminal. This will make a "light 'em up fuse" that will light up BRIGHT if there's a heavy load or short, and will protect ALL of the car's wiring against burning up.

If it lights, start finding out WHY. Make sure the hood lamp, trunk lamp, dome lamp, is all off. Make sure the key is off, any "hot" stuff like stereo or headlights. If you get everything "off" and it's still lit, pull the fuses one at a time.

If it's STILL lit, pull and tape off the alternator output wire. If it's STILL lit, you either left something turned on, or you have a short.

Now, if this checks out OK, pull your ECU connector loose, and unhook the + wire of the coil. Any light? Unplug the voltage regulator

Any light? Double check for anything (dome lights, heater, etc) turned on. Make sure everything is off except the key.

If it STILL lights, there might still be a load "under the hood," or you might have a short. The cluster gauges, and warning light (oil light, etc) will cause the test light to "come on" somewhat, and brightness will depend on "how big" the test light is.

Post back with results. Looks like you are making progress