Stupidest "technical" advise I've heard lately

The most ridiculous thing I've read lately was a recent post in a different thread but I wont go there.
About the ceiling fan direction... A window fan will move air in or out the window depending on fan rotation. A ceiling fan is in a room/box. It can only move the same air around within the box. Heat rises, cold falls, simple physics. So yes the hotter air is up near the ceiling. In the summer time I leave the ceiling fan off so the hotter air stays up there as long as the simple physics will allow. I do have 11 foot high vaulted ceilings. Standing, sitting, I'm never more than about half way up there
In the winter time I do run the ceiling fan to move the hotter air down here where I am.
One more point... A ceiling fan blowing upward will cause a lot more cob webs in the corners and discoloration on the ceiling especially where it is a textured ceiling.
You'll buy more paint from the same stores that sell the fans LMAO
Sad part is you cant run your fan in either direction while you're painting above it.