Faulty battery, bad alternator, or both (photos)

Good progress. I hope by now you have read the MADD article. This points out the problems with the bulkhead connector. Check it thoroughly. Now that you've had a BAD short, one that fries wires, there's been a LOT of current going "back and forth" (figure o' speech) through there.

Frankly, at this point you should consider dropping the column, pulling the cluster, and stripping the under--dash harness out, and at least PARTIALLY untaping it and inspecting it. There is probably damage----damage that can cause shorts later on if not now.

That was my exact thought also. No use in just fixing one wire when it could have very easily fused or damaged a whole bunch of them...that I can't even see.

I'll do just like I did with the ignition circuit. That is, pull the whole thing, lay it out, un-tape it, and just go over all the wires / connections. There's no telling what surprises I might find! Ha!

It might be a while but, I'll post my progress once I'm back to a point where I'm ready to re-test using the lamp method.