It was the HUGE trash talk cun-frun-TA-shun LOL

Rani, I don't want to turn this into a political rant, not at all. But my attitude is that if "just two" honest people who were up on their use, their technique, in either the theater shooting in your state, or EG the shooting of Senator Giffords, things "might have been" different.

Due to my work schedule, I was once mugged, and nearly mugged again. The last one would not have been pretty. It was a momentary lapse at a convenience store which in the daylight hours was "perfectly safe." I managed to get back in the car, locked and running, before "the bois" made it across the lot from behind the building.

But there was no doubt as to where they were headed or what they had intended. This is back in the day when I was not too afraid to take one guy on. Two this size? No.

This was before concealed carry, or even pepper spray was tolerated, encouraged, or allowed.

But if you don't feel comfortable with "it" then you should not. On the other hand we all would hate to read that you had become a statistic in some way.