Help ID 273-4 valve covers

It might be less confusing if you rotated the passenger side cover in the photo so they were both oriented as they would be on the engine, with the wire brackets on the outside of each.

But that's what my set looks like. Car purchased from original owner in 1977.


the right set is definitely 67

I have a set of "stove pipe" commandos and they have the three individual "tabs" and I thought that they were 66. It would make more sense if mine were 65's and his were 66's as it has the same long wire harness brackets as a 67.

It doesn't make sense that they went from the long bracket to the three short "tabs" for 66, and then the long bracket for 67. It makes more sense that the short 'tabs' are from 65, the long bracket is 66.

Here are some pictures of mine:

Stove pipe both:

View attachment 1714734577

Stove pipe right:

View attachment 1714734578

67 both:

View attachment 1714734579

67 right:

View attachment 1714734580