Remflex Review

I ordered the Remflex header gaskets to solve a leak problem. I was looking for a gasket that was more or less a sure deal. I've tried a few and failed and lets face it changing them out is a project.

Cost: At first the price is a little much. But when you compare them to others like them from well known brands its not all that much.

My first thought was wow these things are flimsy. I felt as if I was going to break them before I got them installed. The wont take any bending or twisting. Super soft material. I'm running fenderwells and didn't want to unbolt them all so I had to notch the holes. I found a pair of side cutters worked best without disturbing them too much.

These things are THICK. I did have to back my bolts out considerably which on a BB can cause a mess.

After install I noticed the difference right away. The exhaust seem to flow better I was getting better response though my mufflers. Less engine noise under the hood as well.

I give these a 8 out of 10. I would like to go higher on that but the fact you need extreme caution in working with these and installing. I really didn't think I was going to get them in without messing them up. And I wasn't able to. The pass side came apart while I was notching them. But beings I'm using fenderwells it didn't affect the performance since I don't have 1 piece headers.