/6 overheating need help.

OK, Just so I've got the chain of events down:
When you bought the car you installed new radiator? or was the radiator in there already?
You installed an electric fan shortly there after and all was good for a while.

Fast forward 2 years.... You fixed the A/C and now it overheats? is that correct?

Pretty good posts here. Sorry my user name caused some confusion... it's player1up...like in old arcade games :lol: I see that I shouldn't take a couple days off the forums.
I don't care what people say about RustyRatRod, he's OK <-- teasing :)

Not having a fan shroud could cause the problem at idle, but at speed it should have air flowing through the entire surface of the radiator.
One issue that I've heard of ( never experienced myself ) is that a fan can actually create an air dam effect if it's running while the car is at speed. I will say that the electric fan in my 360 never runs while I'm moving more than about 25 mph, even at a 101° heat index here in FL

I will agree that adding the heat of the condenser core will put more stress on the cooling system, but if you run without the A/C on the core shouldn't cause enough of a restriction to overwhelm the system.

At this point I'd start over and double check everything....sorry.
This is why I think "check everything":
A lower temp thermostat can sometimes cause problems if it stays so hot that it never closes.
It will act like there isn't a thermostat in there and the car will heat up indefinitely because the coolant doesn't stay in the radiator long enough to cool down. -- personal experience ( when I was a bit younger )
This makes a little sense because at idle the water pump is moving much slower and allow the water to stay in the radiator long enough to cool down. -- research

A radiator that is "oversized" for the application can mask thermostat problems because it will let the coolant temp drop enough. -- research
A radiator that's just barely enough ( or has flow problems ) can be overheated with minimal additional heat.

Smokedya, Did you do a flow test on the radiator yet?

Some of the info posted here is from personal experience and some from research done while I was having the issue with my car and I've tried to point that out where needed.

I know it's a huge rambling post but what I'm really getting at is:
1. Testing / verification is your friend ( time consuming but worth it )
2. Document findings / behavior
3. Cross reference with known matching symptoms.