67 antenna repair

Steve, I can TOP THAT STORY!!!!

Back in the "Motorola Days" were were in a dispach pulling out old cables finishing up an upgrade. Typical dropped ceiling, typical mess from years and years of upgrades, neglect, and hack jobs by others.

So I was "digging around" up there trying to figure out "what was what."

Here's a big RF cable, RG-8U size. Bear in mind all police / sheriff comm gear is VHF minimum, some is UHF, and nowadays, some is "up there" at 800 'n some mhz

I pulled on what turned out to be a UHF antenna cable AND IT WAS SPLICED WITH WIRE NUTS

Some "carpenter" or "HVAC" guy had probably "hit" it with a sawzall, etc, and just decided to "fix" it.