Headlight Relay Yes No

The kits I build, parts alone, cost more than the complete kit from e-bay. I've taken one of those kits apart and seen enough of the chinese assembly quality to know that it's not the best in lots of cases. Unfortunately now, almost every headlight ceramic connector comes from China.

Pulling headlight power at the battery on older mopars is not the best approach with the bulkhead/ammeter.

There are a lot of unseen issues that get missed in these kits. If people are cool with the wire covering installed, parts used and build quality, go for it.

I have installed three and I will vouch for them. Quality is as good as anything I have gotten from anywhere else. Parts work fine. Wire is correct gauge and the relays are the same ones you get an any auto parts store. Look at the feedback comments and see for yourself.

The deal on the bulkhead connector is back assward. By running straight to the battery your eliminating load that would normally pass through the bulkhead connector thus eliminating heat and stress on the old crappy set up. I don't care how new it is there is a reason all newer cars use relays. Hell if you have an old ammeter set up you should eliminate it anyway. The voltmeter conversion is so simple there is no reason other than 100% correct resto to have it ammeter style.

I'm not knocking the kits a member sells on here. Matter of fact had I known that they existed elsewhere I would have bought them here. Just saying it is a great idea to do the conversion. NO DRAWBACKS!