Niece with a terminal infection

Hey guys. I’m not the kind too put this stuff out into the public, but we (family) are out of our league with this situation.
Hence my reason for turning to the A Body community for wisdom and assistance.

My 5 year old niece is in the hospital battling Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She was diagnosed with it 2 weeks ago.

This past Monday the doctors said she had pneumonia in one lung but the treatments weren't helping so they had to biopsy it to figure out what exactly it was. They stopped the chemo treatment to allow her body to create white blood cells to fight the infection.

Yesterday they found out its a rare fungal infection and that its in most of her left lung, covering her spleen, part of her liver and in her sinuses.

Today we found out it spread to her brain.

No 5 year old should know what a portacath is or have to ever take morphine to ease aches and pains. She has been sedated for 3 days now.

Needless to say my sister and brother in law are doing their best they can with this situation.
Today Lauren was surround by family and friends. The doctors said that we should say our good byes in-case she doesn't pull through.
Her mom and dad have been by her side the whole time.

We as a family have done our best to take care of their needs and things at home while they focus on Lauren.

As " Uncle Shawn", I'm doing my best at trying to bring in donations to help pay the bills and what looks to be an impending funeral.
The last thing I want them to worry about now is bills. It will be hard enough when they go home to an empty spot at the kitchen table, summer clothes that won't get worn and a kindergarten backpack that will never be used.

If you can, please click the link and donate what you can.
The Lauren Olson Donation Fund

There is a chance for a miracle yet. Please help pray for one.