Help with Flathead Ford F-4 Truck

Thanks for all the replies. I have been doing some research and it appears this was originally a positive ground truck. The battery feels the same weight as most so I assume it is ready to go. It did already have water in it. Last night I put a volt meter on it and couldn't get anything. It has been on the trickle charger since last night so I will try again this evening.

Rusty, the pics I posted were taken at the seller's place. He has TONS of cool stuff. You can look him up at Mike and Dick's Hot Rod Garage. Just google it. There is a 39 Dodge truck I would have loved but it wasn't as close to running and driving condition.

I will tinker with the truck tonight and let you know what I figure out. Thanks again for the help.

Here is a pic of the interier, see all the wires hanging around?