New thread: Unleash the Kraken!

I guarantee your clutch hub splines and side gear splines are mis-aligned.
Never expected the great Doctor Diff to find me here! I read another thread here and I know you are right! I just got so many possibilities thrown at me that I ended up making it a lot more confusing than it had to be. I hope you don't think I didn't believe you. I just wasn't sure what to do. Unfortunately the guy who put together the third member already trimmed my axle down. So, now I will have to find another one. I talked to three driveline shops here in town and they all said it was wrong axles or the thrust button. I can't even pick the third member up until Monday now. Really sucks, but I know a little more than I did before about the 8.75 rear.The biggest problem is that I had no idea if I inserted the passenger side axle and rotated it, I would throw the splines off on the driver's side. All I knew is that my axle didn't go into this new third member with a suregrip. I was lost. When I get it back, hopefully the crowbar on axle trick will work.