Another problem for us on trans brake-HELP

Ok-We have 45 runs on the valiant since we put in a tranz act valve body,Last night we were in the 5th round and the trans brake didn't hold at the light,SO we pitted came back checked fluid level-it was good,Checked the switch -power going to the post on the trany-11.25 volts,Checked the post for power on the trany 11.26 volts-the trany was at 130 degrees,Let the car cool down ,so we tested in the pits,Would work one time and not the next VERY inconsistent,This is the SECOND time this has happened,The first we up-dated ALL the associated electrical for the transbrake,I have tried to contact Joe and is IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of,I have some 50 phone calls to him with NO ANSWER,Can trany pressure be the problem??????? I don't know how you run a business like this,I should have taken notice when it took 60 calls to order the valve body but stupid me,Also if I saw 50 missed calls from the same number I just might call it back,VERY FRUSTRATING --Any help would be appreciated cause we need to either pull the trany out or order a A & A valve body and send the tranz act one back--Steve