Life with littermates...

I can't remember for certain, but thought that they were said to develop territorial issues. So far, no issues tho. The only issues I have ever had with them is when there was another dog in the house. My aunt was living with us for awhile and she had a female Jack Russel named Abbey. Hope and Abbey got along only for as long as it took Hope to figure that she was bigger than Abbey and didn't have to stand for crap. Once she figured that out all bets were off. They had to be permanently separated after that.

Not sure if Abbey being female had anything to do with it or if it was just Abbey's high strung/pampered attitude.

Both of mine hate the vacuum and will run and hide in my room when it comes out. Hope has gotten to the point where she won't run from if I am the one vacuuming, anyone else and she hides. Neither one of them likes water at all unless it is in their bowl. If they even heard me turn the hose on they would run through the doggie door and hide inside. Makes bath time real fun, haha.

Your hose troubles sound like what we went thru with Blue, the Coonhound we just had to put to sleep. He would be outside with us, 300 feet away. Turn the hose on and he would make a beeline for the doggy door.