Exercise routines?

Rani, while I can not work out due to an injury on my finger, (ya, woe is me) I try to walk a lot at a quick pace or ride my bike for a few miles daily. Light weights are OK to keep the body "UP" , it is a bit shy for me.

So far, I'm down 15 lbs. from my peak.

Another great thing is sports. Tennis, handball/racketball and even soccer. I love handball. (A city sport) when approached with the spirt of compitiion it is an excellent way to improve overall health. Lungs, to breath deep, legs with short hard sprints, arms that swing hard hitting the ball.

I can not run constant for but a minute or two. Hip and knees rebel very quickly. To much pain for me. But running is very good.

The last thing I could recommend and it is probably one of the best is martial arts. Jiu-jitsu, Ti Kwon Do & I forget the name at the moment, but Bruce Lee develop a style just for ladies and smaller men because of the size, mass and strength disadvantages of being smaller person against a larger one and not just a little bigger, but against big people.

Tai Kwon Do is known as the kicking art. Keeping your aggressor at a distance rather than close 1/4. Though the art is well rounded.
Jiu jitsu is known as a grappling art. Close 1/4, think hand to hand combat close. This is another well rounded art.
Apply pressure to your opponent to submit or suffer a broken........

All are excellent for health reasons , mind, body & soul, as well as defending yourself. Something every women should be able to do well.

This is what I recommend to and what my kids do. Put your effort into it and reap excellent rewards.