707 Hell Cat, what does it mean?

One group knows cars. The other group does not. There are FEW exceptions.

So let me try to comprehend your comment here. Because said group did not "grow up" back when you could buy a 68 hemi dart from the factory, doesn't know cars??? Except for a "FEW" exceptions?? Are you serious? You might want to crawl out of the hole you live in and smell the roses man. Welcome to the 21st century. I know cars. And i know when I see a car that can be bought off of the showroom floor, that will absolutely embarass any other car thats ever been offered to the general public, I see history in the making. And it is a MOPAR to boot!! I have, and have had the over crammed and over carbureted hot rods, and hell yea they are fun! But this is a totally different animal. And should be respected as that. Just because you wouldn't spend the money on one, or can't, shouldn't matter. Just respect it for what it is.