Fastest Muscle Car In History aka HELLCAT

This threads about the hellcat. I'm guessing the MINIMUM price will be 55,000, probably more. Go check out the who is buyying one thread. The majority of guys say they wish. Yes I understand how 3400 is equal to 22000, find me a new "muscle car" for 22000 by the way. Feel free to see what 55,000 in today's money would equal in the late sixties early 70s. It doesn't add up man. When it comes to pricing the most group of car to the muscle cars would be today's 4 bangers. That's why you see the majority of younger kids today driving them. It's my generations version of a muscle car. They were cheap, plentiful and had some
Power potential.

guys are getting new challengers for under 30k. within 5-7k is damn good for the car you are getting these days compared to the junk sold in 1069.