Running or cheap rebuildable Smallblock

I am trying to get my car on the road before it rusts away. Its a darn good, straight 73 dart sport.

I pulled the engine (318 and it needs a rebore. I am not putting the money into pistons and boring a 318.

So I am looking for SOMETHING that half *** runs. I have some standard 318 rings to throw in a 318 if I come across one of those.

All I need is something to bolt up to a 904, no accessories, nothing. I dont want to put my limited budget into a motor right now and would rather build up the suspension and get the car drivable. I hate cars that are gonna be "fixed up someday" then sent to the scrapper.

Ill pay what the motor is worth. Of course, some motors such as a magnum or rollor cam 360 are what I really want, and would pay the coin for that. But even a smogger 318 with worn out valve guides is fine. I could use the heads off the current engine that needs a rebore.

Also, I do have the block that needs a bore, and its a roller cam LA engine, not magnum. one of those mid to late 80s jobs. The heads are 302. I also have a fordged truck crank for it. The heads were opened up to 360 intake port sizes, but I dont think that would matter regarding flow. The engine would make a cool high RPM nitrous motor. But I just dont have the funds for that.

Last, I need to drive to pick it up. Trying to keep the trip under 200 miles.

I live in lake charles louisiana.

I also have alot of other trading material, we got old mopar parts laying everywhere up at the farm.

I just need a running smallblock to get the car on the road.

Thanks for looking and any help.