welding 101

A lot of good advice here. There are many factors when welding to consider. Material and Material thickness. Type of wire and diameter of wire. Gas or no gas. What mixture of gas.
Some wire may sound like "sizzling bacon" but others may not...like a dual shield wire or a "hard wire" (ER70-s) with 75%Argon/25%CO: however, put the ER70-s with a gas like 95A/5CO or even 85/15 with the volt/amps up and it will sound like sizzling bacon. Or if you turn the feed down it will hiss.
.045" Ultracore form Lincoln runs with sort of a hiss with a touch of popping here and there. It's an all-position wire as well.
Running Stainless .045 316LP with 75/25 will sound much different than running SS316LSI with a tri-mix gas/ Argon/helium/co.
Aluminum buzzes when you weld it, lol.

Just depends on what you weld :)