Rani might like this

I wasn't talking about you.

I was talking about the other guy.

Remember his story about his dogs killing lots of cats in a past cat related thread?

...and I stand by my statement.

There are lots of religions and who is to say one is more valid than the other?

If we respect each others beliefs, (even those whos belief is to have no belief).

I don't see how there could be any other outcome than to be more peaceful.

Still friends?

right right ....and I didn't mean to bring religion into a cat thread because I don't even know that much about religion....the only reason I am Methodist is because the local group to me was kind to me and welcomed me in and I wont forget that.....but I didn't even think the "God Himself" remark would go anywhere ....just repeating what I heard.

No, I don't remember anything about anyone killing any dogs or cats ....that is horrible...I don't like dogs at all but I couldn't kill one even if I had to.....that is just NOT NICE.

Yea, of course im friends with anyone here who wants to be......I am not here to fight with anyone, though I know that with this many people, hubcaps get lost sometimes.....but they can be replaced.