What should I do for now?

then wax on and wax off with the sand paper .....I always use "metal ready" ...its like an acid that gets in the pores and promotes adhesion for after sanding before primer.......and spray that baby up nice with some smooth grey epoxy primer

The primer will bring out the lines and that car will look awfully sexy in one solid color with those sleek duster lines and semi-fastback with the sharp angled back window and that wide tail-panel and short but sporty nose......yea

I think I really really like dusters ....sorry
"Metal Ready"??? ... Been out of the paint game ,10 years. I was used to "Metal Etch" ,a nasty phosphorus acid based mild rust killer/ etching property for a D.T.M. / epoxy base of primer. (Color clear/ aggressive on body senses). Second ,the usual SEM products style "Rust -Mort",kills rust &seals black episode. It's all acidic,anything new?