Disc brake vacuum question

Power brakes on an a body are completely unneeded.

I have manual disks on my Duster and power disks on my Challenger. The manual disks are by far better, and I will be switching my Challenger to a manual master when I get the chance. The pedal feel is better, the effort isn't that much more, and it makes more room in the engine compartment to get at the spark plugs etc.

I ran the Duster with both manual 11 3/4" disks and now with Dr. Diffs 13" Cobra brake kit, also manual but with the later master cylinder Dr. Diff sells. Even when I had the 11 3/4" disks (same as the Challenger) on the Duster, I much preferred the manuals on the Duster to the power disks on the Challenger. And since my Duster is a '74 and the Challenger is a '72, the weight difference really wasn't all that much, only a few hundred pounds at the most. Certainly not enough to account for how much better the manual 11 3/4" disks on the Duster felt compared to the same brakes, just power, on the Challenger.