How stupid can folks really be????

Back on the firefighting topic: I have many friends who are firefighters and volunteer firefighters. My hats are off to them for what they have to deal with, both job-wise and politically. Politically speaking, one of the things some volunteer fire brigades do here in Central Illinois, in an attempt to raise money for better equipment and training, is to basically charge people for protection. If a homeowner is paid up, and their property catches fire, the volunteer firefighters do their best to put the fire out. If they haven't paid, the volunteers show up to watch it burn and to make sure it doesn't spread to the properties of those who have paid. Personally, I think this is criminal and akin to racketeering. "Protection" money, anyone? Does this happen elsewhere, or is it just in the "great" state of Illinois?

Big money in fire. I know a bunch of dirt mover guys. They all want to be on the fire. They get paid a lot and don't do much at all.

Same with the full time fire fighters. They get paid a LOT more when there on a fire. Most of the time hey will drag their feet putting it out so it will get bigger and they can be on the fire longer.